Breakage and hair loss are a sure sign that the body needs a vitamin supplement. About what to take internally so that the outer gloss does not fade, and what vitamins you need to pay attention to for hair growth and strengthening.
The main vitamins for strengthening hair, skin and nails belong to groups A and B. The deficiency of these vitamins in the body in a short time has a negative effect on the appearance: the skin becomes sensitive and begins to peel off, the hair loses its elasticity and healthy shine, the nails exfoliate. It is the lack of vitamins that can cause the formation of dandruff, from which it is unsuccessfully possible to get rid of with the help of shampoo for many years.
To effectively strengthen your hair, you need to take a set of measures: regular care with masks, gentle care without abuse of irons, drying with a hairdryer at a low temperature, as well as the most useful nutrition, rich in vitamins. Vitamin complexes, which are presented in pharmacies, will provide undeniable support. As with any medication, you should discuss with your doctor what vitamins are needed to strengthen your hair.
The label of the composition of vitamins for strengthening hair on the package always introduces a slight bewilderment. It is most convenient to choose vitamins, which indicate a table of the daily allowance for an adult and the amount of this vitamin in one tablet. If you combine the intake of vitamin complexes, then the dosage must be observed.
Vitamin A (retinol) will help restore keratin in the hair. The daily intake of retinol is about 1 mg. A useful beauty vitamin can also be obtained from food: beef liver, vegetables and fruits – carrots, apricots, cabbage of all kinds, greens are rich in it.
The vitamin complexes should contain B vitamins to strengthen and grow hair: these are B2 (riboflavin), B5 (panthenol), B6 (pyridoxine), B8 (biotin), B9 (folic acid). These vitamins will help reduce hair loss and dandruff problems. Biotin strengthens hair follicles, prevents split ends. For healthy hair growth, eat nuts, eggs, raspberries, and cauliflower. Riboflavin promotes hair growth and prevents breakage; they are rich in eggs, cereals, dairy products, greens. Folic acid helps prevent premature graying of hair.
A lack of vitamin C in the body is evidenced by brittle, dull hair prone to falling out and white spots on the nails. Therefore, the composition of all vitamin complexes necessarily includes ascorbic acid. The daily norm of vitamin C for an adult (25-50 years old) is not less than 60 mg. Of the foodstuffs, the most saturated source of vitamin C is plant foods – rose hips, red peppers, citrus fruits, green vegetables, melon, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, sea buckthorn, rose hips, and mountain ash.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is needed for the growth and strengthening of hair, it nourishes the hair follicles, creates a protective barrier, normalizes blood circulation, and is responsible for hair density. Vitamin E deficiency is difficult to detect with the naked eye in a short time. Its deficiency accumulates gradually, and it will take more time to restore the balance. Vitamin E can be obtained from food, it is found in nuts, oils, eggs.
Vitamin D3 (calciferol) is an essential vitamin for hair against hair loss and strengthening of hair follicles. It reduces hair loss and stimulates new hair growth.

In parallel with the intake of vitamins to strengthen the hair, you can take a course of masks. They should be done regularly once a week for 2-3 months. For a nourishing regenerating mask, you will need: an ampoule of vitamin A (sold in a pharmacy), a spoonful of olive oil. Mix equal proportions of vitamin A and olive oil, apply to hair, cover with foil and leave for an hour, then rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo.
The result will be noticeable after the first application: the hair will become smoother and shinier. You can also add a drop of vitamin A to your shampoo every time you wash your hair.
If you do not know which hair vitamins to choose, then trust professional brands. Vitamin complexes enriched with amino acids and other useful components can be found in the assortment of Kerastase, Redken, L’Oréal Professionnel, Matrix. This is a concentrated treatment for solving serious hair and scalp problems such as dandruff, hair loss, loss of thickness, brittle ends. It is convenient that such care is designed for a course in an exact dosage.